New baby, new home

Posted on 12th March 2018

Becoming a new parent can bring a lot of life changes, including where you live. A new baby can have a knack of making your property feel ten times smaller, so you may want to start family life in a brand-new home, that has room for everything being a parent may throw at you.

Trying to keep everyone happy is certainly the goal when picking the perfect home, so here are some of our recommendations, for what to consider when looking for that ideal property.

Garden space

For many parents, it can be important to have a private garden area. Children can play outside in a safe and secure space, and it allows play to extend outside whilst maintaining home comforts.

It may be that you are green fingered and want a garden that’s more of a project, or perhaps you’d prefer something more low maintenance, with a simple patio and lawn. Finding a property with the outside space you desire to begin with, will save any short-term investment in turning it into what you need.

Future proof

It’s worth considering your future plans when looking for your family home. Moving can cause upheaval, so you might not plan to do it often. Although it’s probably the last thing on your mind, having just had a baby, you may wish to consider whether you plan to have more children in the future. If budget allows you could look at a home for your family to grow in, rather than one you’ll outgrow.

Plenty of storage

Nappies, bottles, toys, clothes… babies can go hand-in-hand with, dare we say it, clutter!  It’s useful to think about how much storage space you might need, whether that’s built-in units or space for additionalfurniture.

Adequate storage will help to reduce clutter, making your new home seem airier and more welcoming – as well as helping to keep things out of reach of baby.

We hope we’ve given you some ideas on what you should be looking for when searching for your new family home. Do you have any ideas of your own? Feel free to tweet them to us at @ventureprop.