The Importance of Property Inventories

Posted on 25th March 2015

What happens if I don’t have an inventory?

Without a professionally prepared inventory, any damage caused by the Tenant whilst in your property will be impossible to prove in a court of law. This means that the potential losses for a Landlord may run into the thousands of pounds.

My property is unfurnished. Do I still need an inventory?

The answer to this question is a resounding ‘Yes’. Some Landlords believe because their property is unfurnished, they do not need an inventory. This is not the case. What about the carpets, walls, kitchen units, any white goods, skirting boards, ceiling, windows, banisters, blinds and curtains, locks and handles etc? The list goes on.

Can I do my own inventory instead?

Schemes where the Tenant’s bond is registered will not look favourably on inventories that are not done to a professional standard and do not include both written elements and photographic evidence. We strongly advise that you do not prepare your own inventory. If you choose to do this, it is then up to you to agree its contents with the Tenant and look after any disputes at the end of the tenancy.