Tips for increasing the value of your home

Posted on 9th April 2019

When trying to increase the value of your home, bigger isn’t always better; perhaps you live in a flat that can’t be extended, or don’t have the budget for a remodel.

We’ve brought together some handy tips for boosting the appeal of your property before it’s put on the market, without the scary price tag.

Kerb appeal

From replacing the door handle, to getting a whole new front door, increasing the kerb appeal of your home can work wonders. It doesn’t just end with the doorway – hiding the bins, fixing broken gates and painting peeling fences can really transform your property’s exterior.


Garden refurb

Although it might sound obvious, a nicely mown lawn and a few well-placed shrubs can be key to making a great first impression. Anyway, with Summer just around the corner, who wouldn’t want an attractive garden to relax in?


A lick of paint

A complete redecoration isn’t always needed to give a room a new lease of life; have you considered just giving your walls a fresh lick of paint? Mint green and lemon yellow are very seasonal, which will you choose?


Have you got any other tips for increasing the value of your home on a budget? Let us know at @ventureprop; we’d love to hear from you!